said US plans to supply more 弾薬ammunitions and parts to fix weapons from Japan Self‐Defense Forces.... :(
Considering the Chinese army ships, the country plans to utilize more pilotless attack crafts in Indian Pacific ocean area...
US is in rush to strengthen their defendence power to deal with the issue around Taiwan....
・Against Terrosism to Against to China
hmmmm isn't it different issue???
・バーガー氏 says about Japanese NEW strategy for security...
- The new strategy for security issue is quite significant, reflecting 30-40 years history
-Reason: Japan shared the COMMON issue/awareness regarding the Threat of China...
・January 2023, US&Japan government re-organized the US army in Okinawa...
・By 2025, US will establish 「海兵沿岸連隊」 T_T Marine coast army?
・小規模な部隊が離島から離島を素早く移動、中国軍のミサイル攻撃を避けながら作戦を実行するシナリオ.... sounds like WW2 :(
・Shifting from an island to another island... supply line is complicated... じゃーやめとけばいいのに~
・This would work for 台湾有事Liberation of Taiwan。。。
・US would support Taiwan
・Geographycally Okinawa is much more convenient than Guam or Hawaii... It's near China...
・It's weaker than Missile but easier to deliver..
・Ukraine Army is using US made pilot-less craft, 「スイッチブレード」, which can explode itself...
・自爆型無人機: Before 対戦車や対人向け
⇔ Since now for years...US and Japan will explore New way to utilize!?
ex) 海上の戦略的要衝を敵国に封鎖させない
・US Navy also trys to develop 地上発射型中距離ミサイル
Aweee don't set that in Japan... and anywhere else !!
・中国の偵察気球:Un-Acceptable...since it is constantly invade the area of US...
Hmmm what is the INTENTION of China???
Peace... (- 人 -)