Just Living Diversity

マニラでのソーシャルワークとの出会い記録から、日本のソーシャルワーク×多文化/法的支援、インドで暮らし、働き、旅するカラフルさ、インド&野草ごはん、身体を解すこと、レジリエンス/回復についての試行錯誤を記録したく。 私もあなたも、ゆるく受けいれて生きていけるといいなと祈りながら。

Eat Play Love... be in the safe comfortable environment

Watched a movie "Eat Pray Love"

I wanted to watch this since long before.



Impressive words..

Dolce far niente
  The sweetness of doing nothing


God dwells in me as me.

Well. People in India said that..



I talked with the social worker friend with whom I worked with before.

She's so caring.

She told me that my sensitivity is a gift (from God)

Be in the environment where you feel safe, comfortable and you can utilize your nature.

You are not wrong.

You are kind.

The environment is important....


Awe. Where is it ?

Where is the right place for me ?

Maybe I also need to create that ?




Ginger late 😌