Just Living Diversity

マニラでのソーシャルワークとの出会い記録から、日本のソーシャルワーク×多文化/法的支援、インドで暮らし、働き、旅するカラフルさ、インド&野草ごはん、身体を解すこと、レジリエンス/回復についての試行錯誤を記録したく。 私もあなたも、ゆるく受けいれて生きていけるといいなと祈りながら。

persona.. in difine n synthesise the design issues

Please outline one method you might use "to define and synthesise a design problem" during the typical Design Thinking process.


Personas would be one helpful methods. Personas are fictional characters.

We can create Personas to represent the different types of users based on the research
It would be useful to understand users’ needs, behaviours and goals.

Personas will be helpful to step out of ourselves, by making us recognise that different people have different needs and expectations and it helps to identify with the user we are designing for.