Just Living Diversity

マニラでのソーシャルワークとの出会い記録から、日本のソーシャルワーク×多文化/法的支援、インドで暮らし、働き、旅するカラフルさ、インド&野草ごはん、身体を解すこと、レジリエンス/回復についての試行錯誤を記録したく。 私もあなたも、ゆるく受けいれて生きていけるといいなと祈りながら。

still... waiting


Autonomic nerves is not working well :(

Wait Wait..

When physical condition is not good,

It's not good timing to decide important things..

Just meditate

Just do what I can do

Just accept

Well, I could go for a walk

I could eat and washed dishes

I could enjoy taking a shower

I might not allow my self not working to make money at this moment...

I might think doing only part-time joy is not allowed...

Hmmmm allow anything.

Nothing is wrong.

It's okay

Being is enough...






God please remove my pain

Please let me know what is my role given by you.

What is my real feelings?