Just Living Diversity

マニラでのソーシャルワークとの出会い記録から、日本のソーシャルワーク×多文化/法的支援、インドで暮らし、働き、旅するカラフルさ、インド&野草ごはん、身体を解すこと、レジリエンス/回復についての試行錯誤を記録したく。 私もあなたも、ゆるく受けいれて生きていけるといいなと祈りながら。

推し あたたまるもの







Awhile ago I received the whole body massage by my favorite therapist. I've seen her around 9 years!

She told me that my body is very tired and need to be warned, so please enjoy your OSHI. (推し)which means your favorite things. What you could be naturally absorbed into.


Hmm ? what's my OSHI...


Trying declutter, I found my old CD & DVD s.

I watched Asian Kung Fu Generation's DVD, "return to the basics"

Wow it's so cool!!

Their face show how much they enjoy, love their music and members each other:)

Not listening to YouTube but listening to CDs gives me richer sensation with juicy sound :)

AKG has been delivering important messages time to time.

Recently they released"Empathy", the theme is becoming more and morey important now.

Their famous album in early days is "Kimi tsunagi five M" it's like connection with those who are around you (within 5meters)


I'm happy to have a favorite band like them 🙂











One of my old friend said, for Japanese visiting India might be like going to the Root.. Buddhism. Likewise for American, visiting yelsalem might be like that.

Oh his major in college was Asian culture...as I remember. Interesting view. Well after living India and visiting many places, seeing temples and shrines in Japan became much more interesting and bring me peaceful and nostalgic feeling...:)