Just Living Diversity

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Antara drishtiとMula bandha, ムーラにじんわり熱を感じた。淡い赤。熱で浄化。普段からムーラ練習できるねヨガ以外も











Primary Series Ashtanga with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois - YouTube



  1. Antara drishti is one of the two main categories of focal points in yoga, the other being bahya drishti (external gazing point) なるほど。内側と外側.
  2. It is used in contemplative and meditative practices to encourage pratyahara, which is the withdrawal of the senses.
  3. Antara drishti involves focusing on an internal point within the body, which helps draw awareness inward and keeps the mind undisturbed by external stimuli :体の内側をみること。だから目の力のような外側の力はぬける。外側の刺激にマインドがざわざわすることからぬける.
  4. This technique is particularly useful for deepening meditation. Common internal focal points include the breath (diaphragm) and the third eye center 横隔膜(呼吸)とサードアイ。呼吸に意識向けるの難しい時横隔膜を意識するのもいいかもね.
  5. Using antara drishti during yoga postures can create a deep state of meditation and inward focus while holding the pose.
  6. The practice of antara drishti helps develop dharana (yogic concentration) and ekagraha (single-pointed focus), which are essential techniques for stilling the mind and initiating states of meditation.
  1. Definition: Mula Bandha is a technique that involves the contraction and lifting of the pelvic floor muscles 骨盤底筋群をあっぷする、かためる・・骨盤底筋群が感じにくいからな‥. It's often translated as "root lock" in English.
  2. Purpose: The practice aims to control and direct the flow of energy (prana) within the body, particularly along the spine. It's believed to help "lock and redirect this energy upwards" through the chakras. 骨盤底から背骨をとおる。背骨の根だからね
  3. Physical aspect: While it involves engaging the pelvic floor muscles, similar to Kegel exercises, Mula Bandha is more than just a physical contraction. It's an integration of physical posture with breath and energy control.そうね。筋肉だけじゃない。けーげるエクササイズと似てるとな。
  4. Energetic concept: At its core, Mula Bandha is considered an energetic concept in yoga philosophy, related to grounding and controlling energy at the base of the spine.
  5. Benefits: Practicing Mula Bandha can enhance physical stability, mental concentration, and may even help with issues like urinary incontinence.
  6. Application: It's used in many yoga asanas (postures) and pranayama (breath control) techniques. It can be practiced while sitting, standing, or during various yoga poses
  7. Technique: To practice Mula Bandha, one typically sits comfortably, relaxes, and then gently contracts and lifts the pelvic floor muscles while breathing slowly.
  8. Accessibility: While often associated with advanced practices, Mula Bandha can be beneficial for practitioners of all levels, including beginners.

Remember, Mula Bandha is a subtle practice that requires proper guidance and consistent practice to master. It's often recommended to learn this technique from a qualified yoga instructor to ensure correct practice and avoid strain.。



  1. Purpose: Kegels help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which can improve bladder control, reduce incontinence, and potentially enhance sexual function.
  2. Technique: The exercise involves contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. To perform a Kegel:
    • Identify the correct muscles (the ones used to stop urination midstream)
    • Squeeze these muscles for 3-5 seconds
    • Relax for 3-5 seconds
    • Repeat this cycle 10-15 times per set
  3. Frequency: Aim to do at least 30-40 Kegel exercises every day, spread throughout the day rather than all at once.
  4. Benefits: Kegels can help with:
    • Urinary and fecal incontinence
    • Improving bladder control
    • Potentially enhancing sexual function
    • Supporting pelvic organs
  5. For both men and women: While often associated with women's health, Kegel exercises can benefit men too, especially those with prostate issues or incontinence.
  6. Proper technique: It's important to isolate the pelvic floor muscles and avoid contracting other muscles like the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks.
  7. Gradual improvement: Results are typically noticeable after 6-8 weeks of consistent practice.