Just Living Diversity

マニラでのソーシャルワークとの出会い記録から、日本のソーシャルワーク×多文化/法的支援、インドで暮らし、働き、旅するカラフルさ、インド&野草ごはん、身体を解すこと、レジリエンス/回復についての試行錯誤を記録したく。 私もあなたも、ゆるく受けいれて生きていけるといいなと祈りながら。


The main ‘’Karmas’’ that lead to a complete cleansing of the body are:


①Vamanamヴァマナ (嘔吐療法)

This refers to the situation where the body experiences a therapeutic emesis. The patient undergoes induced vomiting(嘔吐…!) leading to cleansing of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract.(呼吸器と消化器官)



②Virechanam ヴィレーチャナ (下剤療法)

It refers to the form of induced purgation(下剤、浄化) which targets the area from lower gastrointestinal tract upto duodenum(十二指腸).





This can be understood as an oil enema that helps with the rectal lubrication. This is essential for facilitating the way for lipid soluble waste through the anus.

This involves the treatment methods that are initiated through the nasal tract and help with clearing the respiratory tract along with paranasal sinuses.

Astapana Vasti
Working as one of the therapeutic decoction enema, it addresses the toxin elimination from transverse colon to the anus. It helps with an improved state of health.

Step into the realm of ancient healing with Panchakarma treatment in ayurveda, where the art of oil massages intertwines with the science of cleansing. As skilled hands caress your body, releasing accumulated toxins, you embark on a journey to rejuvenates the body and soul. This holistic therapy not only prepare the body for optimal wellness but also harmonizes the nervous system, restoring balance and vitality. Experience the profound transformation as Panchakarma therapy gently purifies, leaving you cleansed and rejuvenated, ready to embrace life's abundance anew.

Steps Performed During Treatment
The major steps performed during Panchakarma have been discussed below:

Poorva Karma
To fully benefit from the primary therapy, a person must undergo Poorva Karma, which is the preparation operation that comes before the major procedure. There are two primary processes involved in it: ‘Snehan’ (oleation) and ‘Swedan’ (fomentation). By using these techniques, the body's stored poisons are loosening up and getting ready to be completely eliminated.

Pradhan Karma
Pradhan Karma, which is the primary process. Depending on how close the waste is, the first step determines which of these needs to be completed. Vamana will be required if there is an elevated degree of upper respiratory tract waste. In the same way, a smaller gastro buildup of waste necessitates a Virechanam.


Pashchaat Karma
This refers to the post treatment phase where the body undergoes recovery with the help of an active lifestyle and following a ‘Sattvic’ diet as well. The post-therapy sessions help with the improvement in digestion levels that maintain the digestive fire ‘Agni’ intact facilitating the absorption of good nutrients.


Ayurveda: Your Escape To A Good Health
Ayurveda includes treatments like Panchakarma to help you deal with the majority of the health problems. In order to balance the doshas and promote natural healing, Ayurvedic treatments for Panchakarma usually combine dietary advice, herbal cures, detoxification methods, and lifestyle changes.

In order to understand the underlying need for Panchakarma and obtain the necessary medical attention, it is imperative that you or someone you know seeking treatment for Panchakarma speak with a licensed healthcare provider, such as a Panchakarma specialist.

Ayurvedic Expert
Dr. Puneet Dhawan is a well renowned name in the field of Ayurvedic medicine. He is an esteemed Ayurvedic kidney expert and leading 5th generation of Karma Ayurveda, one of the leading healthcare centres in India, UAE, USA and UK. He specialises in providing the treatment of numerous kidney diseases. Dr. Puneet Dhawan and his team of Ayurvedic doctors offer personalised treatment plans that rely on natural herbs and techniques to improve overall kidney function and prevent further damage. Karma Ayurveda's treatments focus on not only treating the symptoms but also addressing the underlying causes of kidney disease. With a patient-centred approach and a wealth of experience, Dr. Puneet Dhawan and his team have helped millions of patients regain their health and improve their quality of life. The centre's success stories are a testament to the effectiveness of their treatment methods and the dedication of their staff.

Patient Testimonials ( रोगियों का प्रमाण-पत्र )
 Hi, I am Selvan from Chennai. My sinus issues had made life miserable. Sometimes, it would be even difficult for me to breathe because of that and my voice also started to squeak. I had tried out various medicines, but they gave temporary relief only. While browsing the web for ayurvedic treatment for sinus, I came across Karma Ayurveda and checked out their YT channel Last month, I underwent Panchakarma therapy session with Karma Ayurveda. My sinus symptoms have improved greatly. My voice quality has also improved to a great extent. 

 Hi, my name is Neha and I would like to convey a big thanks to Karma Ayurveda for curing my pulmonary issues. I had sinus and few other pulmonary complications. Allopathic medicines hardly gave me a permanent relief from the symptoms. I decided to go for Panchakarma therapy, as I had read a lot of positive news about this. To my surprise, my sinus symptoms went away after 2 months. The other pulmonary issues have also shown improvements. 

 Hi, I am Tina from Delhi. I had severe sinus issues for the past few years. I had tried various treatment therapies and consumed many medicines, but to no avail. Then, I read about Panchakarma therapy and its positive effect on sinus symptoms. I further checked about it and got to know about Karma Ayurveda. I visited the hospital and was impressed by the infrastructure. The staff was polite and doctors knowledgeable. The staff performed the therapy in the exact manner as described in Ayurveda. After this therapy, my sinus symptoms have greatly improved. All thanks to Karma Ayurveda. 

 Hi, I am Nisha and I am 24 years old. Due to stress at the office, my health was worsening, especially mental health. I wanted a complete herbal detox to rejuvenate my body and mind. I came across the Karma Ayurveda website on the internet. Since the hospital offered Panchakarma therapy to refresh body and mind, I opted for the treatment. The entire therapy was done professionally and the facilities were pretty good too. Massage, especially, was particularly good. Post therapy, I could feel the positive energy in me with all my stress gone. If you want to go for Panchakarma therapy at reasonable costs, go for Karma Ayurveda. 

 Having gone for Panchakarma therapy few days back at Karma Ayurveda, I would surely recommend everyone to go there to reset your body and mind. All the five stages of Panchakarma are done professionally. The entire staff is polite and they respond to your queries well. Good job! 

 Hi, Arun here and I had some pulmonary issues. I had once read about Panchakarma therapy being beneficial in the symptoms of pulmonary diseases. I quickly browsed the web and came across the website of Karma Ayurveda. I checked out their YT channel and went through the reviews of the hospital. Last month, I had my Panchakarma therapy session with Karma Ayurveda. The entire process was handled with absolute professionalism. My symptoms also improved to a great extent. A big thanks to Karma Ayurveda 

 Hi, I am Selvan from Chennai. My sinus issues had made life miserable. Sometimes, it would be even difficult for me to breathe because of that and my voice also started to squeak. I had tried out various medicines, but they gave temporary relief only. While browsing the web for ayurvedic treatment for sinus, I came across Karma Ayurveda and checked out their YT channel Last month, I underwent Panchakarma therapy session with Karma Ayurveda. My sinus symptoms have improved greatly. My voice quality has also improved to a great extent. 

 Hi, my name is Neha and I would like to convey a big thanks to Karma Ayurveda for curing my pulmonary issues. I had sinus and few other pulmonary complications. Allopathic medicines hardly gave me a permanent relief from the symptoms. I decided to go for Panchakarma therapy, as I had read a lot of positive news about this. To my surprise, my sinus symptoms went away after 2 months. The other pulmonary issues have also shown improvements. 

 Hi, I am Tina from Delhi. I had severe sinus issues for the past few years. I had tried various treatment therapies and consumed many medicines, but to no avail. Then, I read about Panchakarma therapy and its positive effect on sinus symptoms. I further checked about it and got to know about Karma Ayurveda. I visited the hospital and was impressed by the infrastructure. The staff was polite and doctors knowledgeable. The staff performed the therapy in the exact manner as described in Ayurveda. After this therapy, my sinus symptoms have greatly improved. All thanks to Karma Ayurveda. 

 Hi, I am Nisha and I am 24 years old. Due to stress at the office, my health was worsening, especially mental health. I wanted a complete herbal detox to rejuvenate my body and mind. I came across the Karma Ayurveda website on the internet. Since the hospital offered Panchakarma therapy to refresh body and mind, I opted for the treatment. The entire therapy was done professionally and the facilities were pretty good too. Massage, especially, was particularly good. Post therapy, I could feel the positive energy in me with all my stress gone. If you want to go for Panchakarma therapy at reasonable costs, go for Karma Ayurveda. 

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Panchakarma treatment at Karma Ayurveda?
Panchakarma is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy that involves a series of detoxification and rejuvenation treatments. Karma Ayurveda's Panchakarma treatment is a holistic approach to cleanse the body of toxins and restore balance, using various therapies such as massage, herbal remedies, and dietary changes.

Who can benefit from Karma Ayurveda's Panchakarma treatment?
Panchakarma treatment is beneficial for individuals seeking to improve their overall health and well-being, manage chronic health conditions, or recover from specific ailments. It is customized to the individual's needs, making it suitable for a wide range of people.