Just Living Diversity

マニラでのソーシャルワークとの出会い記録から、日本のソーシャルワーク×多文化/法的支援、インドで暮らし、働き、旅するカラフルさ、インド&野草ごはん、身体を解すこと、レジリエンス/回復についての試行錯誤を記録したく。 私もあなたも、ゆるく受けいれて生きていけるといいなと祈りながら。

there is nothing I have to do

Too much stressed n took leave yesterday which is the day or case conference. 

Don't know how it went....

Anyway it could be done without me.


There is NOTHING I have to do.

Even though I'm feeling pressured.

It's just imaginary.... of mine.

I'm not alone.

People are helping.

God is helping.

Just leave the desire to arrange/ control everything.

I don't need to do anything.



Really nothing.

Just enjoy receiving.

Nothing to do.

It's okay to say....

I CAN'T 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I can't even attend the office😭😭😭😭😭😭

Just throw away everything!!!!!!!!!!


Nothing I have to do...